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32bit Fax / 64bit Fax
ElectraSoft's 32bit Fax / 64bit Fax Software Solutions
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32bit Fax / 64bit Fax is try before you buy software.
You will be sending and receiving faxes in a few minutes from now with this full featured fax program. Send and Receive fax from Single Computer and Modem or Network with Multiple Modems. Optionally Send fax via the Internet.

To get your temporary USER-PASS: After paying, from PayPal click the return to ElectraSoft link.

ElectraSoft will then send you a permanent USER-PASS later.

Note that Gmail and many other email-servers will put your USER-PASS in your Spam-Folder. When they do, while reading the message, click the [Not Spam] button. All future messages from ElectraSoft will go into your InBox.

32bit / 64bit Fax

Select a 32bit Fax Package:

Email Address:

company, phone, etc:

Forward Fax to Email

Price $59.99 $19.99

Email Address:

company, phone, etc:

Forward Fax to Fax

Price $59.99 $19.99

Email Address:

company, phone, etc:

Forward Document to Fax

Price $59.99 $19.99

Email Address:

company, phone, etc:

[All About 32bit Fax / 64bit Fax] - [Fax Programs to Choose from] - [10 Good Reasons to buy from ElectraSoft]

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